Spirit and Truth

welcome to SPIRIT AND TRUTH!!

Christadelphians would generally suggest we have independence of thought, that they have the Truth and that by exercising reason and logic the way is open for everyone. In practice most people become Christadelphians because they were either brought up within the religion or else they were influenced by Christadelphians that they met. When I was baptised into them that is what I believed also, that I had searched things out and I had certainly searched. In practice my knowledge and experience was limited. There was much that I did not know and some of my later questions and discoveries have now been compiled and collated and are available on this site.

My journey in understanding has been progressive and that is the experience of most who question or leave the community. In fact this is a real difficulty for many because they find themselves without a clear faith, a community to belong to and very often a lack of necessary social supports. They wonder where they can go if they retain a faith and many become atheist or agnostic. In many cases they feel adrift in the world, different to other people, unable to fit in anywhere. Depression and even suicide are not uncommon.

Here then is an important truth. We all operate to underlying worldviews which are like operating programs for us. We need them to function well in the world. Further it isn’t easy to re-evaluate them.