Christadelphian Belief System

The Christadelphian Belief System

Understanding what Christadelphians believe is fairly simple and is well laid out in their publications. Involved in the establishment of these beliefs are a number of foundational assumptions that need some consideration. These include its formative reliance on one man in particular, John Thomas, and beliefs about the Bible and its interpretation which he inherited from others. In this process he dismissed church authority, creeds and widely accepted interpretations of the Bible and promoted in their place “independence of thought.” This section is called “The Christadelphian Belief System” because Christadelphian beliefs have not existed in isolation of these factors.

A Critical Analysis of Christadelphian Theology

Christadelphians usually make out a case for seeking out “the Truth” from scripture. Here is the essence of the challenge presented and a consideration of the elements necessary for a critical analysis.

Consideration of The Theological Role of John Thomas

If we look at the history of the Christadelphians we find that their unique theological positions resulted from the personal belief of John Thomas that he was teaching a restoration of the apostolic gospel. This article considers the theological implications involved in this position.

A basic consideration of some of the major Christadelphians beliefs

  • Basic Overview of Christadelphian Beliefs
  • Christadelphians and Money
  • The Denial of Supernatural Elements in Scripture
  • The Nature of Christ
  • The Christadelphian Process of Salvation
  • The World and the Body of Christ
  • Conscientious Objection
  • The Concept of Christian Fellowship


Promoting the soon return of Christ in the light of contemporary “signs of the times” has been THE major recruiting tool of the movement and the re-establishment of the state of Israel is believed to validate that. A whole section is therefore allocated to give the topic some consideration.

  • Adventist Influences
  • Broad Prophetical Expectations
  • The Centrality of Israel
  • Prophetical Speculation
  • God’s 7000 Year Plan and the Failed 1910 Prediction